Warming Up

Really, the days are just sort of rolling by...not much to do, but that's (more or less) the whole idea. Actually, I'm needing to convalese some—get lots of rest and finally shake off this infernal lung and sinus thing that's haunting me.

Anyway, I presented father with the model Chinese Opera Masks that Melody gave me to give to him. He mounted them on his wall, as you can see here. Have a closer look at the masks.

For reasons I shan't go into here, dad and I had to sit in a couple of automotive center waiting rooms for part of day. Here's a nice shot of the man relaxing. Later, I was out raking up a few leaves, and the lady across the street came over to greet us. I got this nice shot of dad with Sue.

I guess this is a good moment to explain the title of this section, "Warming Up." Quite simply, Detroit was quite cold when I got here, but quickly returned to a sort of "tepid chill" the following day, and has been lingering there until today (12/11), when it nipped up a bit and gave us a dusting of snow.

I went for another one of my long walks (trying to get something in by way of a constitutional), and got this shot of some tracks that run a few blocks from dad's house.

And here's another neighborhood shot; typical neighborhood vista here in the north country; not that different from Canada, I reckon.

I wanted to check out the old township library sometime, and I walked down to the old site and found it had been closed and moved to a new, larger, more modern facility another mile down the road. So I headed on down and checked it out. I read a little bit of a biography of Lewis Carroll (endorsed by Martin Gardner!) and found this recent work by the great Art Spiegelman on prominent display; "In the Shadow of No Towers," a study of the impact of 9/11. This is the first page, hi-res, a big file, so it's not worth clicking on unless you've got broadband.